Okay, so we had a NYJC performing arts showcase today... We started off followed by choir and band. It was pretty fun i must say, like before the performance. We were taking pics on the staircase before the people came in.
And it was so fun that I wasn't nervous at all. We started playing yang fan and i saw mdm chua at the corner of the hall! haha so tiny hiding behind the wall. LOL. and started to get nervous halfway when i saw chen laoshi! she standing right in the centre at the back of the hall! she had this serious look, make me nervous! then more and more teachers started coming in... and i felt legs being abit wobbly! then when i went on to play huang he, after the whole thing end, my hand was shaking as i sms! LOL.
Talking about that, so paiseh during yang fan cos i accidentally hit the side of the glock while trying to put my stick down. smiled to myself man. And oh, zhi qing and gang said they waved to me but i just didnt wanna smile back. haha. I didnt see! Sorry!
Then huang he was major screwed up. Cos weiteck came in late and with the open space, it is hard to hear each other, so weijie couldnt hear and came in late, and thus, louis came in later too. Im not sure if i came in late as well but i think no? should be correct la. and everyone was kinda pissed off at him.
Then we sat behind all the timpani and instruments and started doing funny things, look at the photos below. haha. but i feel abit guilty for doing this actually. Zhiming had more funny photos but he forgot to save them and all gone!
After the performance, we were called back to CO room for an urgent meeting and ding laoshi scolded percussion quite badly. very obvious that she was pinpointing at a particular person but just say the whole percussion..... Our mistakes resulted in us only able to get a silver if today was the real syf. Sad but yeah, need work harder. GOLD WITH HONOURS!!!

We had lunch together after that before heading back for lessons at 130pm. Had math tutorial followed by econs test at 3pm. Gosh, the essay qn so easy but the lack of studying cost it to be bad.
Oh and daji has friendship bands!!! The girls one is pink, black and white while guys ones are just black and white. bought for ms tan also since she's also part of daji, told her to wear with us for the performance today and she really wore. When i told vivian, she was like oh laoshi you also got wear! then she was like oh yes. *paused. you still so happy ah? hahaha referring to how we gonna get scolded by ding.
Saw chen laoshi before i left school just now! Asked her how was it and she say our song very high but like we not high. and the bu lang gu part like no energy man. Sian, but at least she's the first teacher who gave some constructive comment! Ms A lim saw me walking jsut now and she was like, I finally see you playing something! OMG, for the last 3 years she never see me play before! LOL.
That basically sums up my day today? Helping Vivian with her PI now! :)