Was on whatsapp from like 11pm- 2+am. I can srsly say there's the most unexpected and insightful chat I had. I don't think many has encountered stuff like this before. Made me realized some stuff.
1) Age does not matter in friends. And so, it shouldn't matter in r/s too.
2) a r/s with people changes over time. You may be an acquaintance now but maybe in a short while, you're a couple or good friends. Each stage of friendship gives an unique and irreplaceable experience.
Learnt this from ytr.
This morn, woke up to a sore throat and flu. Gosh. Must be the effect of sleeping super late these days ever since holidays started. I seriously, seriously need to get down to hardcore mugging. Have been doing things slowly for the last few days.
Aim for MYE:
Math: C
Econs: C
Lit: D
Chem: B/C
I'm very keen to meet my aims, to show that there is no such thing as bad luck, to give hope to myself and to ensure I don't disappoint anyone. :)
Life may not always be a bed of roses, but you just can't stop trying because of it. Look far, aim high and soar in the sky. When you are far and High enough, you'll see the rainbow at the end and that's when dreams really do come true. :)
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