For an overview of what happened, here's a post on A's blog. Im kinda lazy to type all the details out so i'll just add in from what is missing from here. LOL.

1) okay so we were supposed to meet at 11am at leisure part for kbox but A had to changed it to 1130am.. and just as i was walking to the busstop at 11am, she called to say that J will fetch her down to my place to pick me up. So i went back up and watched some videos till 12 before heading down. J dropped us at vivo.
2) Settled for Brotzeit cos i said i wanted to try and since i've never been there, i left the ordering part for her to do. Well, i always leave food choices to her. haha. so she ordered pork knuckles and sausage and i swear it's damn alot! we didn't even finish the food! omg.
3) OK YES, this german band started playing in the midst of us eating. I was not v much entertained by them at the start. cos like idk who are they and what's more when my back is facing them. So basically i just ate my food silently since it was difficult to talked with all the noise... and one of the performer actually stood up on my chair while another walked behind A and being so into her phone, she didn't realize and the guy honked on his instrument when she turned. epic max! okay then she asked the waiter to help dedicate a birthday song. so this guy from the band came down and kissed me on the cheek. He's freaking sweaty la! omg.. and they sang me birthday SONGSSS in english, german and international. if you're wondering what's the international language, it's basically la-la-la all the way.
4) we took train to promenade cos i couldn't remb which is the nearest mrt to marina sq. so we walked from suntec to marina. window shopped abit since SOMEONE said she's sooooo busy with work that she didn't have the time to shop and hence, being present-less for the day. okay but she gave me a card which was filled with words and more words. LOL. met silin a.k.a noobling along the way and i think i kinda screamed abit. soooo excited to see her. love her lots!
5) while walking to the mrt station at harbourfront, this lady walked straight into me. Idk what was she thinking man. i kinda saw her walking straight into me and i swerved to the side but she has entirely no intentions of moving away when there's so much space! i didn't really have much space to move away to.. okay so the knocking part was alright since like it's so common right. so i said sorry and she just walked away with the same blank face as when she knocked into me. After that, i realized my arm was bleeding! like wth! idk what the woman did but she actually scratched me till i bled! it's pretty serious for a minor knock/scratch. Used tissue to dap and clean the wound at the mrt. Like omg. This lady is way too pro alr!
6) okay, so we went into kbox at about 330pm. our room was just beside the holding room for the ktvclub competition! it was pretty awkward to have ppl standing outside the room looking in and knowing that the rooms aren't really soundproof.... kinda makes it even more awkward. oh well. i kinda went high and started doing lame things in the room... like lying on the chair. but then again, the room so big. might as well make full use of it right! lucky A never take photo of me. I remb we were singing 理想情人 and i wasn't even looking at the screen cos i couldn't see it lying down.. lol. then i think i stood up quite a few times cos for ppl who knows me, i can't sit for long. hahaha. A literally sat there throughout. amazing man.... yup so basically i totally high man. I think if there were more ppl, i might have just picked some random high songs like GET HIGH and jump around the room or something. LOL!
7) I started off with Sammi's 不要驚動愛情. I really like that song alot. A didnt really sing much though. haha cos i think those songs i pick she doesn't really know.... Those she pick are typical KTV songs like 心动, 遗失的美好.... i kinda intro-ed her a few songs. Hope she likes it though. Oh and i realized that alot of the songs can relate to her life story man. haha.
8) okay so i tried to be funny. During Sammi's 唯独你是不可取替, i kinda turned to her and wanted to do the "shen qing" look. But apparently, this dumb dumb here was totally unaware of it. I started laughing and she thought what happened. I refused to tell her and she was bugging me to tell her why. she even went to analyze the song lyrics cos she thought it has something to do with it. So i decided to try again, TWICE and she didnt get it. OMG damn slow lor. So i decided to tell her and she was like oh really? haha. damn funny only. Imagine if a guy does that to her, she's totally ignorant of it. I think the guy will be like wth man. LOL.
okay that's about it that i have to add in....some pics...
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