Work is getting better everyday though I don't feel as attached as I was to OSRB. maybe cos there were people like yvonne who was so nice and awesome that made me sad when i left.
Started doing shortlisting jobs and this is the stack of application forms i had to go through and am currently going through still. Shan't say anything much but it's freaking alot. It's like... killing trees.
Left early for lunch with jin wen, cheryl and brenda before heading to CDC for my BTT Test today. I passed with 49/50! hehehe. happy. But afterwards was spending one hour waiting to get my PDL and another hour waiting to enrol into school! 2 hours of stoning literally!!! And yesssss, it freaking expensive. spent a bomb just enrolling in the school course, of which there's 6 e-trial for FTT (500 qns each), FTT exam, 5 practical lesson and e-learning. It's worth half of my salary in a month man.....
Cabbed home at bout 430pm to change and immedaitely went to KC to meet ms tan. She was marking in the foyer and so slacked in the foyer. Went to find ms yap for awhile to pass her presents but she was really busy setting test papers so...... as usual. talked for less than 5 mins.
She seems kinda touched when i gave her the presents. Just this feeling i get. Always felt that she's somewhat like me. Kinda sentimental but just doesnt show it..
Went back down and talked to mrs ho until gen came! Mrs Ho and I concluded that there are 4 types of students: Lazy, Slacker, Hardworking, Kiasu. haha (refer to end of post for definition).Thought this picture was quite nice. I really like the KC environment...
Then, while waiting for ms tan to finish packing, i managed to capture this view from the upper staff room. Its truly amazing. How funny that I've never seen this scenie view of KC before. Honestly, when I go back nowadays, I always see a more spectacular view of the school and enjoy it more than when i was there during the 4 years..

While waiting for their transport to come, we slacked and took pictures! Seriously, ms tan quite chio today la. And the dress is sexy can... haha

Her students were really funny as well and it was quite some good time spent there!
Lazy: never do homework/tutorial and never study
Slacker: do homework/tutorial but never study
Hardworking: do homework/tutorial and study
Kiasu: do homework/tutorial, study and study like siao.
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