The movie is directed by Wee Li Lin.
The two leading roles are played by Taiwan-born actor 莫子儀 and Singapore's new face Joanna Dong 董姿彥.
Since she became a flower girl at the age of eight, JOEY has been in love with the idea of finding that special man and being his bride. So much so that she got a job as a video consultant at the Wedding Education Department (W.E.D.). There, Joey shares the art of getting and marrying a man, through her romantic 'faux' wedding videos, which are screened to young singles all over Singapore. But the idea of fantasy and reality are blurred as Joey falls madly in love with GIN, a handsome music teacher from Taiwan. They appear together as bride and groom in a landmark W.E.D video that will serve as a prelude to their upcoming nuptials.
But soon her bubble is burst. A beautiful girl, CECILIA, claims to be Gin's real fiancée while Gin claims that his affection for her was strictly for the video. Not letting her childhood dream go, Joey pursues Gin to make him see that she is his true bride as she sees his true heart. As her work mates, family and Gin begin to find out who she really is, will Joey's relentless drive to restore the happiness and joy she once knew also be her ultimate failing and undoing?
Here is the trailer of the movie:
Okay, so this movie comprises the theme of love, marriage and disillusion. You can really see how Joey fights for the love of Gin in the movie. She sends pandan cakes to Gin's parents on a regular basis, attends all of Gin's music showcase and even appears at his studio where he teach students violin and guitar. The strong passion of love and the idea of "I am willing to do anything for you" is seen. It is so strong that in some point in time, i actually thought that she was mental.
Yes, at the end, it is revealed that she IS REALLY MENTAL. She lacks confidence in herself and has a disillusion that Gin is her true love and she will be marrying him when it is in fact, Cecilia that is Gin's fiancee.
Throughout the movie, it is through Joey's disillusion that we see the strong theme of love. Being her debut film, i think she has brought out the emotions well, and did even better than required. I must also say that she has a good voice and I do have some liking for the theme song.
However, i felt that the movie was alittle confusing at many times. It is hard to tell if the current situation is a faux or real one. The transition between the two worlds are not done properly and I was lost at some parts. The part i was confused most was the ending. Is the last scene a faux or it is real? Did Gin actually turn mental or is it just the glimpse of the second video that Gin promised to film for Joey? Now, for those who have yet to watch the movie, you can try watching it and let me know what you think of the ending?
Anyway, i personally will rate this movie 3 out of 5. I feel that as a local film, it is not bad but the plot has not really been developed properly and the lack of good transitions makes it hard for the audience to understand it. Some people may even find this show to be "rubbish" because of its abrupt ending. But, i think if you are those who can think critically and analyse deeply, you will actually find that this film has a deeper meaning behind it.
So, i do encourage people to watch it, especially those who are critical thinkers and for those who just want to relax, this show may not be able to entertain you as much but it does have some elements that is worth watching. I personally, is a fan of romance and hence, I will definitely reconmend this movie.
The following is the MV of the theme song for the movie:
You can visit the official website for more information:
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