Woke up at ard 10+ and spent my whole morning packing my room! realized actually it's not alot of things to pack if i were to just throw away those things of the past, like secondary sch worksheet. Used to keep them cos I thought like maybe in future when i take out, I'll recall those days... BUT.... I felt that if it's impt and memorable, you'll definitely remb it. if not, then probably it's not worth remembering. SO.... throw! HAHAHA.
had lunch at about 1230.. after which, i went on fb to stalk tweety bird. LOL. omg her facebook really damn interesting. it's like happy and emo at the same time. AND... there's alot of funny things as well as chinese music! some of the songs i went to listen and it's really nice man!
okay, so i stalked her fb for about 2.5hrs.... literally viewed all the way back to oct 2010... lol. then at about 4pm, continued my packing! gotta clear everything on the floor before gg out man! so yes! i managed to clear everything.....
showered in like 10mins and headed out of the house at about 540pm.. took a bus down to kcp and walked to two fat men. and.... laura was there alr! haha the whole restaurant nobody except the ppl working there man!''
okay, so we ordered our food. I chose the basil chicken fried rice since the rest were pretty much spicy... laura had a portebello. and.. we decided to order alcohol.. cos she was a not-so-good drinker and obviously i hadn't really drank alcohol before, we decided to order a light one to share...

okay so here's our pear kopparberg cider. i took the cup and she took the bottle.. BUT.. cos first time drink so much.. i couldn't finish. SO.. i drank half a cup and she finished the rest! haha

we ordered another brats with fries and talked for quite some time. left the place ard 8... we walked to kcp for me to see how it looked like! gosh, they have moved back quite some time alr but i have never seen the main gate! today first time! haha. then after which, we decided to walk to parkway BUT... ended up at 112 katong. toured the place and i seriously dislike the walk-one-round-to-take-escalator concept! haha. anw, we kinda walked ard aimlessly. more of like chatting instead of shopping.

decided to walk to the opp to get some ice-cream but it was closed when we reached!!! haha so we continued walking down katong aimlessly. and when we reached katong shopping centre, we decided to go home! laura dropped me off at my house, all the way until the lobby somemore man!. so nice! haha.
anw, i wanted to like write about some of those things we talked about BUT, i figured that it's simply too much. chatted for like 3 hrs man... seriously, i think will take 1 day for me to blog about everything and if i can even remb all. haha SO, i shall not mention anything bout what we chatted (since some are pretty much sensitive also.. like... whether im attached.. hahahaha!)
overall, it was a really good meetup! have fun in Europe k! please listen to your bro and check-in everywhere you go hor! and must whatsapp me nice nice photo kk! oh and also, anything wrong in the dorm please evacuate imm alright! haha. see you in 2012! OH, and thanks for dinner and the cab home!
im gonna whine about this. seriously my knee something wrong man. a few days ago, it was kinda numb... and i thought, gg la.. scarly kenna rheumatism.. but then ytr it hurt when i went 112 to find sam and to think i even walked home from parkway. i thought might be cos i stood for 5.5 hrs in CO room. but realized it started hurting in the CO room alr. this morn it was alright after i woke up. until when i went out. and it started hurting again when i was at 112 katong. SERIOUSLY, i think 112 katong is a curse for my knee. TSK! i had to limp into my room when i reached home man. wth la.. even got my dad to help me take all my things and he got annoyed: you packing or i packing ah? LOL. okay end of whining...
Thanks girl.. Thanks for the nite! :)
ReplyDeleteYes.. agree with you.. Was a better Laura compared to the one you saw the last time! :)
See you next year!!